Large Scale Retention Block Forms

Retention Block Forms Designed to Address the Need for Large Scale Blocks


Questions? We Have Answers:

Del Zotto ‘s large scale retention blocks are your perfect solution for saving money. In fact, 50 blocks pay for the cost of your form, and what’s best is that our forms are durable. They are built with heavy gauge steel for longevity, giving you thousands of pours. Interested? This is how our forms work:

  • Gold Rock Blocks require less than one cubic yard of concrete to fill each form.
  • Gold Rock Blocks measure 8’ wide x 3’ deep x 3’ high or 6’ wide x 2’ deep x 2’ high, or any other custom size you would like made.
  • Molds can be adapted to have a male and female connection.
  • Utilized as a gravity wall system, incorporating the use of available materials and/or aggregates for core in-filling of each block.
  • Only two block forms are required for any size.
  • One standard straight run form.
  • One end block form for 45 and 90 degrees (one block does both).
  • The really large Gold Rock Blocks (8’ x 3’ x 3’) weight 4,280 lbs each.
  • When each inner core is filled with sand, that really large block will then weigh 7,725 lbs.
  • Includes pour and strip up-right.
  • Form comes complete, ready to pour, with a sample reinforcing cage.
  • Adaptable to form liners.
  • Includes exclusive Del Zotto Inner Core Vibration.